Rural Development Programme

End Poverty's non-farm sector interventions focus on catering to the needs of the rural folks, especially women, and empowering them with economic and social independence through dedicated efforts in sectors other than agriculture and dairy.


What do we do in non-farm sector?

Due to the shrinking land-ownership across the country, it is imperative that an impetus is given to the non-farm sector in terms of monetary or skilling support.

End Poverty has realized this pressing need and has been working on the upliftment of rural folks, especially women by creating impact in the non-farm space as well. This includes a plethora of activities, right from skilling women on a simple vocation such as stitching to creating institutions or enterprises run exclusively by women, which would then work towards increasing these women’s income generation capabilities. Some of the activities carried out under this are:

  • Linking rural women to financial institutions through SHGs
  • Training these women on a vocation – stitching, pickle making, etc.
  • Support in setting up enterprises run by these women complementing their income

SHGs supported and nurtured

If supporting rural folks in generating income through non-farm activities is something you would want, there are many ways in which you can contribute

Proud to be partnering with
  • google
  • nestle
  • oracle
  • unisys
  • nutanix
  • wells-fargo
  • yesbank
What’s new

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